HydroGeophysical and Environmental Science Consultants (HESC) is operating since 1996 and has provided services in the fields of hydrogeology, drilling of water wells, geotechnical investigations, soil environmental engineering, IEE/EIA, water supply and sanitation, soil and subsurface investigation, geophysical investigation, vegetation ecology, and wild life. The powerful tools of HESC field of speciality include the Drilling of water wells, Numerical Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling and Hydrogeophysical studies, Air Plume Modeling Simulation related to Industrial Pollution through smoking vents / Accidental Fire Hazard. Processing ModFlow (PMWIN5), a state of the art tool in the modeling industry is used to simulate and predict different scenarios of development plume due to leakage from petroleum storage tank, evaporation pond, landfill sites, shallow and deep injection wells. A new design, management and remedial action plan is then chalked out in the light of existing ambiguities. FLUENT (Version IV, resided in Sun Workstation), a worldwide used tool to develop a 3-dimension Air Plume Modeling of the gases emission of industrial vents.
Preliminary study on the environmental evaluation / constraints in relation to community based hazardous effects both short term and long term basis, geology, topography, soils, climate and meteorology, surface water hydrology, water quality, and sources of pollution
To differentiate between different soil characteristic and bearing capacity, sampling and testing are performed. Depending upon the depth of sampling, trenching and / or auger machine is used to collect soil samples. Testing is generally carried out in the laboratory.
The development of groundwater resources can be viewed as a sequential process with three major phases. First, there is an exploration stage, in which surface and subsurface geological and geophysical techniques are used to search suitable aquifers.
Electrical Resistivity Sounding Survey (ERSS) is a widely used geophysical method to study the subsurface soil and lithology and to provide on-site hydrogeological information of the specific areas where tube-wells are to be drilled. As an advance geophysical study to explore the subsurface
It includes population, community, structure, employment and labor market, income distribution, land use, other planned developments, recreation, public health, education, cultural properties and custom, aspirations and attitudes etc.
It includes extensive surveys to study flora (type and diversity) and vegetation, fauna (resident and migratory), preparation of taxonomic account of flora, assessment of plant populations for determining conservation status and environment impact assessment of mega development projects.
HESC comprises of a team of dedicated professionals in the areas given below. All members of the team are very high in academics and an average consulting experience of 10 to 15 years in their respective areas of expertise. Our team brings a synergistic mix of academics and field experience to carry out complex studies and implementation projects exceeding the international standards. Our team has an impressive list of international organizations as its clients. This list can be provided upon request.