Specialized in:

Electrical Resistivity Survey, Well-logging, Seismic and gravity survey, Groundwater Resource Evaluation, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Industrial Disposal Waste Site Assessment / Soak Pit & Injection Well, Soil and Geotechnical Investigation, Water Well Drilling, Numerical Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling, Air Plume Modeling Simulation of Industrial Pollution, hydrogeological, hydrological & seismological studies, Cement Plant construction studies


Engr Hassun Ahmad 051-8733819, Fax 051-2305775, Mobile: 0334 5292707
hassun.ahmad@hotmail.com, hesc97@gmail.com

Our Description

Water is one of the basic necessities of life. We require plenty of water every day for drinking, cooking and washing. It is necessary also for cleanliness of homes and hospitals and a crucial element in the industrial areas. The issue lies in the shortage of water in Pakistan but that's where we step in. We provide an array of services: -Groundwater exploration (Electrical Resistivity Survey) and hydrological assessment with the support of long term precipitation, river runoff, glaciology, snow melting, global warming and climate change (SWAT model, HEC RAS as a tool of ArcView, ArcGIS) -Groundwater development (borehole drilling and construction of water wells, test pumping supervision and analysis by Aquifer Pro of Waterloo Hydrologic, Log Plot) -Groundwater management, protection and monitoring (analysis and recommendations) Integrated environmental studies, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Delineation of contamination area using Drastic software. -Groundwater flow and transport modeling (Processing Modflow, Visual ModFlow, FeFlow, Finel and GMS) -Soil testing (Complete Geotechnical investigation with drilling for sample collection and analysis of all related parameters required for building construction, establishment of new housing schemes, and engineering designs)

OUR Mission

Make Pakistan's water crisis somewhat manageable by tapping out potable water resources, reserve estimation and its appropriate utilization within safe yield limits. Services are extendable to international horizons with the support of our team of international consultants.