2016 |
✅ Geomorphology of the Alluvial Sediments and Bedrock in an Intermontane Basin: Application of Variogram Modeling to Electrical Resistivity Soundings, Surveys in Geophysics, vol 36, No 1, January 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10712-016-9364-4 |
✅ A spatio-temporal three-dimensional conceptualization and simulation of Dera Ismail Khan alluvial aquifer in visual MODFLOW: a case study from Pakistan, ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES (2016) 9:149, DOI 10.1007/s12517-015-2069-z |
2015 |
✅Hydrological response to environment change in Himalayan watersheds: Assessment from integrated modeling approach, JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Pages:972-982 Published: JUL 2015 |
✅Integrated interpretation with Gassmann fluid substitution for optimum field development of Sanghar area, Pakistan: a case study, ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: 7467-7479 Published: SEP 2015 |
✅ An Integrated Analysis of Petrophysics, Cross-Plots and Gassmann Fluid Substitution for Characterization of Fimkassar Area, Pakistan: A Case Study, ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Pages: 181-193 Published: JAN 2015 |
✅ An optimal approach for the development of precise regional geoid in Pakistan through a comparative study with least square collocation and FFT techniques,ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: 7481-7498 Published: SEP 2015 |
✅ Tsunamigenic Analysis in and around Makran, JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Pages: 332-355 Published: FEB 17 2015 |
✅ Heterogeneous data management and modeling for the gravimetric geoid model: a review study in Pakistan ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 2247-2263 Published: APR 2015 |
✅ Hydrochemical mapping of the Upper Thal Doab (Pakistan) using the geographic information system, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES Volume: 74 Issue: 3 Pages: 2757-2773 Published: AUG 2015 |
2014 |
✅ Causes and effects of temporal groundwater level change in the alluvial aquifer of Dera Ismail Khan area, Pakistan, Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences Volume 47, No. 2, 2014, pp. 185-191 |
2013 |
✅ Applying gamma-ray logs to a carbonate reservoir: a Pakistan Potwar basin example, OIL GAS J, Volume: 111 Issue: 11 Pages: 68 |
✅ Integrated geoscience databanks for interactive analysis and visualization, L INT J DIGIT EARTH , Vol. 6, Supplement 2, 41-49, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2011.638990 |
2012 |
✅ DigiSeis—A software component for digitizing seismic signals using the PC sound card, Computers & Geosciences 43:217-220 |
✅ Determining the depositional pattern by resistivity–seismic inversion for the aquifer system of Maira area, Pakistan, ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS ISSN 0167-6369 (EMAS), 184,161-170, DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-1955-4 |
✅ Hydrology of mountainous areas in the upper Indus Basin, Northern Pakistan with the perspective of climate change. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS (EMAS), 184(9), p.5255-5274 |
2011 |
✅ GIS as Project Manager in Geophysical Applications Software, Journal of Geographic Information System. DOI: 10.4236/jgis.20 11.32014 3(166):17211 |
✅ Source Evaluation of physicochemical contaminated groundwater of Dera Ismail Khan area, Pakistan, ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS (EMAS) , 175, p. 9-21 |
✅ Composite use of numerical groundwater flow modeling and geoinformatics techniques for monitoring Indus Basin aquifer, Pakistan, ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS (EMAS), 173,447-457 |
✅ An active X control for embedding GPS capability in custom applications, GPS SOLUT 15, 433-439 |
2010 |
✅ Implications of depletion of groundwater levels in 3 layered aquifers and its management to optimize the supply demand in the urban settlement near Kahota Industrial Triangle area, Islamabad, Pakistan. Environ Monit and Assess (EMAS), 166, 41-55 |
✅ OIL - Output input language for data connectivity between geoscientific software applications, COMPUT GEOSCI-UK, : 36,687-697 |
✅ Reginal gravity field model in Pakistan area from the combination of CHAMP, GRACE and ground data using least squares collocation: A case study, ADV SPACE RES 46,1466-1476 |
✅ Structural Interpretation of Seismic Profiles Integrated with Reservoir Characteristics of Bitrism Block (Sind Province), Pakistan. ENERG SOURCE PART A . 32, 303-314 |
✅ Vertical gravity anomaly gradient effect of innermost zone on geoid-quasigeoid separation and an optimal integration radius in planar approximation, Appl Geomat,2(1) ):9-19 DOI 10.1007/s12518-010-0015-z |
✅ Fault seal analysis indicates potential of Paleogene reservoirs in Pakistan, OIL GAS J,108(11):34-42 |
✅ Physicochemical Characterization of Groundwater in Urban Areas of Lahore, Pakistan, with Special Reference to Arsenic, J CHEM SOC PAKISTAN, 32,306-312 |
✅ Highlighting the implications of Selenium dispersion from disposal of Kahota Industrial Triangle area, Islamabad, Pakistan using 3-dimension solute transport model, ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS (EMAS), 167,565-579 |
✅ Implications and concerns of deep-seated disposal of hydrocarbon exploration produced water using three-dimensional contaminant transport model in Bhit Area, Dadu District of Southern Pakistan ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, (EMAS), 170,395-406 |