HydroGeophysical and Environmental Science Consultants (HESC) is operating since 1996 and has provided services in the fields of hydrogeology, drilling of water wells, geotechnical investigations, soil environmental engineering, IEE/EIA, water supply and sanitation, soil and subsurface investigation, geophysical investigation, vegetation ecology, and wild life. The powerful tools of HESC field of speciality include the Drilling of water wells, Numerical Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling and Hydrogeophysical studies, Air Plume Modeling Simulation related to Industrial Pollution through smoking vents / Accidental Fire Hazard. Processing ModFlow (PMWIN5), a state of the art tool in the modeling industry is used to simulate and predict different scenarios of development plume due to leakage from petroleum storage tank, evaporation pond, landfill sites, shallow and deep injection wells. A new design, management and remedial action plan is then chalked out in the light of existing ambiguities. FLUENT (Version IV, resided in Sun Workstation), a worldwide used tool to develop a 3-dimension Air Plume Modeling of the gases emission of industrial vents.
Hydrological study will focus on the annual rate of precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff process within the area of study / watershed. A network of stream tributaries that leads to generation of flows towards mainland stream is identified and appropriate location of a proposed plant site demarcated. HydroCad is used in this evaluation as potential software.
Identification of rare and endangered species within or adjacent to the project site, sensitive habitats including birds, reptile, insect, mammal, ecological system, waterfowl identification, Use of Radio Telemetry, snow leopard Information Management System, Chitral, immobilization and Telemetry of the Himalayan Brown Bear, Deosai Plains.
Geophysical logging could be carried out with different sensing device depending upon the objectives of the study. Sensing devices are lowered into the naked or cased wells (natural Gamma log for cased wells as well) to acquire information on the geology of the well, soil characteristics, permeability and porosity. Logging of borehole entails measurements using self-potential (SP) and resistance sondes, and/or gamma sonde.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CDF) is an emerging technique for engineering analysis in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and mass transfer. This modeling technique employs the numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations coupled with continuity equation for problems involving momentum transfer alone.
There are different ways to abstract water from the surface or subsurface i.e by means of water-wells, infiltration gallery, well point system, percolation well, infiltration well, diggi, spring, and mini-dam. At first, an appropriate and reliable water source must be recognized in terms of long term yielding potential.
PVC (polyvinylchloride) casing and screen recommended for monitoring wells. Brass and stainless steel screens are generally used for the water supply wells. Thickness of the casing and screen should be 4.5 mm or greater. Excellent chemical resistance to weak alkalies, alcohols, hydrocarbons, and oils.