Electrical Resistivity Survey (ERS) is a widely used geophysical method to study the subsurface soil and lithology and to provide on-site
2) .Geophysical well logging comprising natural gamma sonde and resistivity/self potential sonde may be carried out in the naked trial bore to furtherconfirm the subsurface lithology as determined fromthe drill cutting.
With our vast expertise and experience we can help you locate groundwater using our equipment and help you drill your tubewell.
We have been working for around 20 years now and worked with companies such as OGDCL,
For further details contact 03345292707 or 03009502376
Team of HESC is available to make easiest solution for the projects put forwarded by the clients.
All kinds of projects including water resource evaluation, planning and management, Numerical groundwater flow and
transport modeling, Hydrological modeling of River Runoff and stochastic hydrology, pumping test analysis have been
designed and evaluated in a simple version of reality and shortest possible time duration.
We Listen To You
We listen to our clients and conduct meetings with them to understand their comprehension and scope of work.
Clients also feel comfortable to listen to our view point and give freehand to our team for building a best
possible strategy for the proposal of clients. Several clients who have had past working relationship with HESC
prefer to award forthcoming projects and hence we have some in pipelines.
Monitoring your Output
Data integrity and security are our key values. We do understand the privacy policy of our customers, so every project/data is maintained separately with access to privileged resources. As per requirement, we do sign NDA with our customers.