Confused about were to drill for your tubewell ?Look no further!
Electrical Resistivity Meter By PASI With our vast expertise and experience we can help you locate groundwater using our equipment and help you drill your tubewell. We have been working for around 20 years and almost more then 75+ clients now and worked with companies such as OGDCL, NESTLE, COCACOLA, PPL AND BGP. For further details contact 03345292707 or 03009502376
The picture depicts various softwares
we use and their descriptions
Top left diagram of. Electrical Resistivity Survey (ERS) is a widely used geophysical
method to study the subsurface soil and lithology and to provide on-site
hydrogeological information of the specific areas where tubewells are to be
drilled. As an advance geophysical study to explore the subsurface lithological
units, electrical resistivity survey (ERS) needs to be carried out atvarious
selective sites inorder to configure the thickness of aquifer, subsurface
lithology. The RESIXP software is used to interpret and get information of
the subsurface geology, water bearing formation having fresh and polluted
Geophysical well logging comprising natural gamma sounde and resistivity self
potential sounde may be carried out in the naked trial bore to further confirm
the subsurface lithology as determined from the drill cutting. Exact thickness
of the potential groundwater aquifer will therefore be determined and effectively
utilized to design for the blind and percolation pipes. Based on
the Darcy’s law a tentative evaluation is also made of the well yielding.
The CFD modeling techniques have been successfully applied to the problems of
atmospheric dispersion, reactor analyses and design, heat transfer equipment
analyses and design, aerodynamics, natural convection cooling, Hvac analyses and
many other areas of practical interest.
Contaminant Transport modeling to control and manage the environmental
constraints resulted from oil and gas exploration, Leakage from petroleum
storage tanks, and disposal of industrial waste.